Composer and sound artist specialising in digital, electroacoustic music for fixed media. Completed a PhD in composition at University of Birmingham 2006. Nine years music and composition teaching experience including courses at university level and workshops in schools and other educational environments. Classically trained performer. Current educational practice explores experimental approaches to composition and performance particularly using found sounds and sound technology.

His electroacoustic compositions were performed in the UK and abroad including: BEAST - Birmingham; Musiques et Recherches – Brussels; ICMC - New Orleans; Inventionen – Berlin; EuCue – Canada; MANTIS – Manchester; RSAMD – Glasgow; Confluencias – Andalucia; Aldeburgh Contemporary Music Festival; New York University New Music Ensemble; Royal Musicological Association Conference – Huddersfield; Ung Nordisk Musik Festival - Denmark. Many of his sound designs and audio installations received awards.
CD releases:

‘Set Adrift in Stolen Moments’ on ‘Spike - Works from BEAST’ Vol. 1
‘Viewpoint on Denmark’ on ‘Viewpoint’ BEAST CD Vol. 3 both available from Sargasso records.
‘Boom Boom Boom’ on The St. Dunstans Experiment. Limited edition private release.
‘Forgotten Fairytales’ Limited edition private release.
‘dirty grooves’ on Confluencias 2nd International Electroacoustic Minatures Competition 2004. Limited private release.

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