Making New Waves X
Let's play comedy!
The 10th edition of Making New Waves
Festival will be presented as one of the projects
of a European Union cultural collaboration called
a "CO-ME-DI-A"(Cooperation and
Mediation in Digital Arts). The common objective
of the project is to establish a functional
platform for artistic and cultural networked
The playful initialism of the collaboration served as an inspiration for allocating a theme and giving the subtitle to the festival: Co-Me-Di-A. Let’s play comedy in multiple meaning! Let’s examine, how an antique tool can be redefined in the field of contemporary music and multimedia art. In fact Comedy is a very specific kind of story. It is not simply any story which we shall see, a story may follow the plot of comedy without being intended to be funny at all. The conflict is built up with the help of mixing reality with mockery. Real identities are hidden and obscured by different tools like disguise, confusion. Digital technology and permeation of the Internet secures a never seen communication potential for the artists of the XXIst century. The theoretically unlimited possibilities are source of a new, exciting tension. New tools have been created for hiding real identities and creating virtual personalities. At the festival the audience will hear and see examples of how artists apply the new tools in their pieces. |
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